He arrived early in the morning his desire was to intervine in a good way using school learnings, his father knowledge, and his investigations achievements. After this Lina told the message to the major he smiled and Lina headed out the Gathering Hall.Ĭhapter 3: This morning was an special moment for Doon, was the first day of work in the pipe-works underground the city. So Lina goes to the Gathering Hall to see the major, but she’s kept waiting, so in her boredom she went to the roof and start waving at people. In her duty there’s a guy named Looper, he told Lina a message which needs to be delivered to the major. There captain Fleery thought her that her job was to repeat any message that people said, she also had to wear a red jacket so people identify that she is a messenger. The next day Lina went to the messengers headquarters. Lina’s parents are dead, her father died because of a disease that hitted the city, and her mother died giving birth to Poppy. Lina gets home and we are introduced to Poppy, Lina’s sister, and Granny, Lina’s grandmother.
We also learn that Lina used to be friends and talk to Doon but she humiliated him and they weren’t friends anymore. Lina had heard rumors about light shortages and she thought that maybe Doon was right, that something was wrong with the city. We also discover that Lina’s parents died and that was the reason she is living with her grandmother.Ĭhapter 2: The chapter opens with Lina taking a different route home than usual, she noticed some lights that were turned off and weren’t replaced.
When Lina gets home, her story is revealed and we could know that she is currently living at the home of her grandmother and also with her sister. At the way back home Lina finds Doon and tell him to exchange works so that they could fit better into their role in the city. Lina by her side received the role of pipe worker, which disguised her but she could handle the work if she had to. After getting their jobs, Doon who received the role of messenger, got mad and tries to convince the major for getting a new job but he didn’t accept. In this moment are introduced the main characters of the story Lina and Doon.
Chapter 1: The story opens when the major of the city is assigning jobs to the students from the last grade of the school in Ember.